It is beautiful, but it will be easy to confuse it with the F86 Sabre which has exactly the same colors...!!
It is beautiful, but it will be easy to confuse it with the F86 Sabre which has exactly the same colors...!!
For your next project, why not a ww2 french fighter like Dewoitine 520 or Bloch 152...?? 🤩🤪
This amazing Loockeed TV-2 is wonderfull....Eager to see what dress will be chose...!!
Comme le monde est petit..Je suis originaire de Cap-Chat..!! Mais ca, c'est une autre histoire..!!! AU plasir...J,esperes que ca choque personne qu'on parle en francais ici....LOL.... LA vid...
Je parle francais évidemment. Je suis du Club CARC de Trois Rivieres (St-MAurice) . Le type qui a fait la modification sur le Tiger Moth a légerement recouper les tiges de fixations. ...
It's very pleasant to read you. Thanks for your answer. Somes guy's in web , who upgrade his landing arm by folding a little bit forward to prevent nose to drop when landing procedures....I'll gone...
.........between Tiger Moth , Waco ou Stearman PT17...
Magnifique appareil , est-il encore disponible au Canada.. ?