New to Dynam...$pektrum compatability

  • Hello, new to Dynam and liking the variety and quality I'm seeing compared to other BNF brands I started into this hobby with. Checking to make sure I'll be able to bind to a $pektrum NX8 TX by using a $pektrum receiver in your planes. Anything else I would need to start flying your planes with my existing setup? Thanks...fotomatt in Colorado. 

  • Matt: The Detrum transmitters included with Dynam BNF planes will not bind to a Spektrum Transmitter. As far as I know, they will only bind to Dynam's Gavin transmitters.  I would recommend getting a PNP version, then install a Spektrum DSMX-protocol transmitter. You may also want to replace the ESC with a Spektrum one so you can use Spektrum batteries with the IC3 connector, or you could change the connector on the one included with the plane.

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